Ministries and Opportunities at UCCLC
Our thriving church offers ministries and programs that invite people of all ages to connect with God, our community, and our world. We are committed to nurturing faith through study, hands-on learning, worship, community building, and service. Check out our Outreach ministries in which we serve the community, our Children and Youth Ministries, or our Shawl Ministry.
We also have a Visiting Committee who visits those who are sick, grieving or unable to come to church. Contact us to let us know if you would like to be involved in visiting or if you know of someone in need of a visit. Each Fall and Spring we offer a Small Group Ministry called Gather ToGether that allows people to connect more deeply with each other while doing things they love, such as walking, biking, book groups, or learning the ukelele. If you are interested in our next Small Group offering, contact us! |