No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
For over three centuries, we have gathered together in our historic church to encounter our living God anew each week. The heart of our life together is our dynamic and relevant worship for all ages. Here we experience God’s grace and love, discover new meaning in ancient scripture, hold each other in prayer, and strive to bring our faith to bear on the way we live each day.
We hope you will come and join us this Sunday!
We hope you will come and join us this Sunday!
Welcome back to our Interim Minster, Reverend Richard DenUyl!
Join us in giving a warm welcome back to Rev. Richard DenUyl as he begins his ministry with us on Sunday, January 5th, serving as our interim pastor for the coming months while we continue our search for a settled pastor.
We are excited to have his leadership and guidance during this important time. We invite you to join us this Sunday to reconnect with him. |
Worship with us on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in person or online!
Click below to join our Sunday Service and be part of a meaningful worship experience!
The UCCLC Welcome Statement
Our Congregation unanimously adopted this statement of Welcome at our Quarterly meeting on Sunday, August 13, 2023:
Welcome to the United Congregational Church of Little Compton. Here, we believe that ALL people belong to God. With God’s help, we promise to live together in Beloved Community. We welcome longtime churchgoers, newcomers, and those seeking a church home. We invite seekers, believers, questioners, and questioning believers to join us. We celebrate our diversity as persons of every age and size, color, culture or race, and physical and mental ability. We embrace singles and partners of every sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. We honor individuals of every economic status, from every neighborhood or no neighborhood, and people with any differences, real or perceived. In a world where so much divides us, our unity is in Christ. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are fully welcome into the life and ministry of the United Congregational Church of Little Compton. This is a place where you can worship with dignity, celebrate and mourn, rejoice and recover. This is a place where lives are made new. In the name of God, we welcome you. |
Learn more about the Open and Affirming process here.
Church Calendar |
Pastoral Emergency
If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact us so we can be there for you! Please call the church office at (401) 635-8472. When the office is closed, press 5 to be connected to our Deacon on Call for immediate assistance or press 1 to leave a voicemail for one of our staff.