Sunday SchoolSunday School is offered during the academic year for children ages 3-12 years old. Each year we begin a new Sunday School year in September and conclude on Children and Youth Sunday. During the summers and vacation times, we offer a less formal one-room schoolhouse Sunday School option so kids always have an engaging opportunity for learning. Check out the full church calendar for all events and dates.
Children attend the beginning of the service with their parents and then are invited to leave for Sunday School. Children are escorted by volunteers to their appropriate Sunday School class in our Education Building and then are escorted back to meet their parents in the vestry during Coffee Hour. Our Sunday School teaches religious stories and concepts through multimedia workshops including: arts & crafts, performing arts (music, drama, puppets, etc.), games, cooking, movies, and outreach/service projects. Youth Class: Sunday School for our teenagers, meets every Sunday morning when Sunday School is in session. The class is open to all Middle School Students and aims to have in-depth discussions and activities in order to prepare them for their upcoming confirmation journey. Confirmation is offered in alternating years to 8th and 9th graders and you can read more about it here. Child CareChild Care for infants and toddlers is available every Sunday of the year during the worship service. The Child Care area is located in the nursery on the first floor in the church vestry. We utilize a sign-in and -out procedure and collect cell numbers so we can notify you during the service if your child needs you for any reason.