Honorariums and Fee schedule:
Church Fee for non-members…………..……..................................…..……...............$500.00 - $1,000.00
(Fee waived for Active Church Members, their children, or grandchildren. Although there is no charge for members, families are welcomed to make a Memorial Gift to the church in honor of the deceased.)
Minister ~ .....................................................……....$300.00 - $500.00
Organist ~ Raymond Buttero………………..…........................................................…$200.00
Service Coordinator ~Karen Willis ……….................................…….……..…..…....$200.00/each
(1 for 150 guests or less, and 2 for larger services (If a Funeral Home is not assisting , these people will be assigned by the pastor)
Receptions in Church Vestry (capacity 180).......add $30.00 per hour paid to Service Coordinator
(Fee waived for Active Church Members, their children, or grandchildren. Although there is no charge for members, families are welcomed to make a Memorial Gift to the church in honor of the deceased.)
Minister ~ .....................................................……....$300.00 - $500.00
Organist ~ Raymond Buttero………………..…........................................................…$200.00
Service Coordinator ~Karen Willis ……….................................…….……..…..…....$200.00/each
(1 for 150 guests or less, and 2 for larger services (If a Funeral Home is not assisting , these people will be assigned by the pastor)
Receptions in Church Vestry (capacity 180).......add $30.00 per hour paid to Service Coordinator