Giving to our Church
Saying thanks: All we have comes from God and belongs to God. By giving generously, we thank God for God's loving ownership of our lives and we dedicate what we’ve been given to God’s purposes. Giving is a practice of thanksgiving that over time makes us even more grateful. It opens our hearts to the awareness that all life is a wondrous gift.
Practicing trust: Giving generously teaches us trust in God’s promise to care for us and the world. We want to see how much we can live without so that we can finally discover that what we really need most is God and each other! In turn, this leap of faith bestows many wonderful blessings—a simpler lifestyle, strengthened relationships, greater hope and deeper awareness of God's presence in our daily lives.
Supporting ministry: Our ministry work, staff salaries, and building maintenance are paid for from gifts to the church, from rental income from the use of our properties, from proceeds of the Thrift Shop and our annual Summer Fair. It costs a lot to support our community, carry on our ministry, and care for our buildings and grounds. And so we share in supporting God's work in our community!
Belonging: UCCLC is our spiritual home. We give to our church because we belong to God and to each other.
Practicing trust: Giving generously teaches us trust in God’s promise to care for us and the world. We want to see how much we can live without so that we can finally discover that what we really need most is God and each other! In turn, this leap of faith bestows many wonderful blessings—a simpler lifestyle, strengthened relationships, greater hope and deeper awareness of God's presence in our daily lives.
Supporting ministry: Our ministry work, staff salaries, and building maintenance are paid for from gifts to the church, from rental income from the use of our properties, from proceeds of the Thrift Shop and our annual Summer Fair. It costs a lot to support our community, carry on our ministry, and care for our buildings and grounds. And so we share in supporting God's work in our community!
Belonging: UCCLC is our spiritual home. We give to our church because we belong to God and to each other.
What is a pledge?A pledge is an estimate of financial support for the year, which runs from January through December. Typically, church offerings are paid in increments—weekly, monthly or quarterly. You can give to the church without pledging, of course. Some people put money in the offering plate at worship each week or once a month. Others give in a lump sum at the beginning or end of the year.
Why does a pledge matter?The United Congregational Church encourages giving that is deliberate (thought out and planned), intentional (a regular, defined amount of your weekly budget), and sacrificial (giving up spending on ourselves to put God first). Giving generously is an important spiritual disciple that fosters faithfulness. Estimates of giving for the coming year also help the congregation to plan and budget wisely.
How do I make a pledge?Each fall, we send out our stewardship packet which includes letters from the pastor and the Stewardship committee, along with a pledge card. If you are not on our mailing list, contact the church office and request a pledge card. When you have prayerfully decided how much to pledge, fill out the card and bring it with you to worship or you may mail it to the church office, to the attention of the Stewardship Committee Chairperson.
How is the money I give used by the church?
The Church has annual operating expenses to keep it up and running. We have a small staff who assist Rev Rebecca in planning and preparing worship each week as well as the many ministries that create our wonderful community.
Financial decisions are made after prayer and deliberation during our congregational meetings as we discern God’s direction and priorities for the use of our financial resources. Financial data are always open to scrutiny. We are working conscientiously to balance our budget, care for our buildings, support our ministries and plan for the future. How can I get guidance about my pledge?Contact the Pastor or members of the Stewardship Committee. Talk with any member who regularly pledges. Don’t forget to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance too! And while you’re at it, pray for everyone in our community who, like you, will make a pledge decision every year.
How much should I give?
Giving back to God should be a sacrificial act rather than a token gesture. Giving is a biblical practice-- dedicating the "first fruits" of one's labor to God before spending on anything else. The United Congregational Church encourages giving a deliberately chosen percentage of income to support God's work in our community and through the ministries we support. In the Old Testament, a "tithe" or "tithing" refers to giving one-tenth, or 10 percent of one's earnings. Some use tithing as their goal for giving, striving to give 5 percent to their church and 5 percent to other charitable organizations that perform God's work. If you already give regularly, challenge yourself to raise the amount of your giving with each new year to help you grow in your relationship with God by participating financially in the work God is doing through this congregation and other related ministries. No matter what you give, we encourage you to practice a regular level of giving that honors God's generosity to you and helps you joyfully participate in God's work in the world.
The average level of giving across the United Church of Christ (our denomination) nationwide is about 2 percent of annual gross income. The table below can be used to estimate your level:
The average level of giving across the United Church of Christ (our denomination) nationwide is about 2 percent of annual gross income. The table below can be used to estimate your level:
Annual Gross Income | $25,000 | $65,000 | $81,523* | $100,000 | $150,000 | $200,000 |
Annual Pledge of 2% | $500 | $1,300 | $1,790 | $2,000 | $3,000 | $4,000 |
= weekly donation of... | $9 | $25 | $34 | $38 | $58 | $80 |
See our Church at Work!
Your pledges helps us run ministry programs run both inside and outside our Church community